Monday, August 16, 2010

Renewing Old Acquaintances

Traveling back east brought an opportunity to renew old aquaintances with family and friends. Living so far away from home brings an added burden to keep in touch with the ones you love. In the hustle and bustle of ministry it is good to take the time to reminisce your early years especially when your age is getting closer to the century mark than ever before. We attended my parents 50th Year Wedding Anniversary Celebration in Atlanta and saw friends and family that we haven't seen in years. What a wonderful time we had! At Hilton Head our family, as we have for many years, enjoyed a relaxing week on the beach, bike riding, and RITAS Ice Shop and late night walks by the ocean. In Birmingham we spent time with old friends from so long ago...back when Kim and I were just beginning to like each other. That has been about 30 years! Then in Hot Springs we stayed with family and attended Gospel Light Baptist Church where Eric Capaci is the pastor. There, we saw lots of old friends from my days of ministry in Arkansas. Couples we grew up with while serving God. All this has brought back many happy memories of how good God has been over the years. I can't help but to praise the Lord for His goodness and grace to me and my family!  

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